Wednesday, May 25, 2011

MRSA, a resistant bacteria from animal farms

This is another reason why the animal farms are not a good idea. If you eat meat you may have this sitting on your kitchen counter.  here is a link to the article:   They put antibiotics in the animals to increase production, what they are doing is un-natural and unhealthy as well as against morality. See ( on vegetarianism for videos of what it is like for animals going to slaughter.Also see page 9 to your top right. I used to work as a CNA at a nursinghome, we need to take this seroiusly, people do get this and the treatments are limited and it is contagious. Yes, people had it on my floor.  By feeding the antibiotics to animals we are creating new strains of disease that resist medical treatment.   I feel that MERSA is one of the bad karmas for eating meat, the things we do have consequences, we need to be more responsible!

"Greater than a thousand ghee offerings consumed in sacrificial fires is to not sacrifice and consume any living creature." TK 259, TW   In other words we could go to Catholic Mass everyday or Homa but if we eat meat we have just cancelled out the good we did!

Other articles, this article I did not write:

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